Monday, January 23, 2012

Ron Paul to win the Tennessee Republican Assembly Straw Poll.

The following was posted on the Middle Tennessee Ron Paul 2012 website:

The Tennessee Grassroots Ron Paul supporters are organizing to win this Straw Poll for Ron Paul in Nashville, TN.

A generous supporter has already paid $125.00 to secure a Ron Paul 2012 booth at the TRA Convention. I have confirmed that Romney and Gingrich will also have a booth at the convention.

Let's rock the establishment by diligently organizing and winning this Straw Poll.

Buy extra tickets, ask your friends/family to go with you and vote.

If you are a Ron Paul supporter from out of town, it'd be worth the drive to Nashville. The results of the poll will make local news via newspaper, conservative TN blogs, local news media, and more.

More importantly, it will send a clear message to Ron Paul that we are serious about getting him elected.

Tickets to vote in the Straw Poll are only $6.27:

TRA Convention with Straw Poll
Saturday, January 28, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (CT)
Hotel Preston
733 Briley Parkway
Nashville, TN 37217

For the win,
Joey Fuller
After the convention, maybe TRA needs to change it's slogan to, "the libertarian wing of the Republican Party."

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1 comment:

  1. Joey,

    I read your comment about Ron Paul. I am a big supporter. Are there active groups in the Nashville area now? Campaign for Liberty organizations?

    Thanks for the help.
