Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ann Barnhardt is coming to Nashville

Ann Barnhardt is a livestock and grain commodity broker and marketing consultant who, among other things, has been critical of the Obama administration and of Islam.  She is a firebrand, sometimes compared to Ann Coulter. I was unfamiliar with her prior to reading of her upcoming appearance in Nashville and still know little about her. She does have several  youtube videos. From what I can gather from my limited exposure, she preaches financial doom and gloom and that Islam is not a religion.

"Ann Barnhardt says the things that everyone thinks but is too terrified to say," says the material promoting her appearance. Anyone who's publicity photo features herself with a pretty pink AK47,  I would expect to be provocative.

She will be appearing in Nashville, Thursday, January 26, 2012, 6:45 PM at the Green Hills Hampton Inn. The cost of the event is $15 and seating is limited. One must be preregistered to attend. The event is being promoted by 912 Project Tennessee. For more information go to this site.

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1 comment:

  1. Awesome that you are on this and getting the news out in understandable terms. Thank you.
