Friday, January 27, 2012


Councilman Duvall's has filed a resolution in the Metro Council requesting John Arriola resign. Arriola's  malfeasance in office is a disgrace.  He needs to resign now.  A resolution overwhelming passed by the Metro Council may be the nudge he needs to realize that it is over and it is time for him to step aside.

Let your council member know how you feel. With one click, you can send an email to ALL MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL: .  Choose "Contact My Council Member" and select "Entire Metro Council."  Also a more personal  message to your own councilman letting him know you are his constituent and you care about this issue may carry more weight than a message to a council member who does not represent you.  So, do both; send a general message to all member and a personal message to your own council member.

Spread the word on your facebook and your email list also: ARRIOLA HAS TO GO NOW! 

Also we need to put pressure on Distict Attorney Torry Johnson to demand Criminal Charges against Ariolla.

We need to put a stop to this good ole boy political corruption that has been going on for ever. The days of Fate Thomas and Mack Smith are over. We need to demand honest government and punishment for those who abuse their office. DA Johnson office number is 862-5500.  Call. Pass it on. Pick up the phone...

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