Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tennessee Conservatives Fund endorses David Hall

Join The Cause

Dear Friend,
I am very pleased to announce our most recent endorsement - David Hall for Congress in Tennessee's 5th Congressional District.
David HallDavid Hall surprised the local media and various political pundits with his win in the August 5th Republican primary race for Tennessee's 5th Congressional district in Nashville and parts of Wilson and Cheatham counties. The Tennessee Conservatives Fund has taken an interest in this race in part because David Hall has made this unlikely race competitive through an unrivaled persistence and work ethic in contacting voters directly through door knocking and phone calls. This is the tactic that earned Hall a huge upset against much higher-profile candidates who had the backing of Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee.
The Hall campaign reported last week that hundreds of volunteers turned out on Saturday, October 9th and made nearly 15,000 voter contacts, and they plan to do the same this Saturday. In fact those wishing to participate should visit the Davidson County Republican Party Headquarters today at 2416 21st Avenue South in Nashville or contact At 9:00am former Governor Winnfield Dunn will be on hand to announce his endorsement of David hall.
Tennessee 5th Congressional DistrictIn addition to Hall's conservative stance on a number of issues, the TCF has also targeted this race because of Jim Cooper's reckless spending votes over the past two years. Despite the Cooper campaign running laughable television ads flashing piggy banks and claiming Cooper is fiscally conservative, his record shows that he voted for the trillion-dollar healthcare bill, Cash For Clunkers, Cap and Trade, stimulus and for the biggest budget deficit in American history. The budget deficit may be even larger this year but Congressional Democrats have refused to pass a budget for fear of revealing the depth of their spending to the American people.
Cooper's most contentious vote was in favor of the deeply unpopular Democrat healthcare bill. The NASHVILLE SCENE reported that after Cooper cast his vote for government healthcare he said, "I find much of the bill deeply flawed," but he didn't think it would become law anyway. This and other votes have earned Cooper a failing grade from fiscal watchdog groups like Citizens Against Government Waste, though Cooper can claim support from liberal groups like the ACLU, numerous national unions, and the Hispanic supremacist group La Raza.

David Hall is running largely on conservative fiscal policy and simplifying the tax code, with a notable endorsement from renowned economist Arthur Laffer who created the Laffer Curve. He also claims membership to the NRA, Tennessee Christian Chamber of Commerce, and is pro-life. Hall is a general contractor and electrician who has been a small business owner since 1989 and currently owns and operates David is strongly supported in his campaign by his wife Michelle and five children, who have tirelessly campaigned throughout the Nashville community.
The TCF has endorsed David Hall through use of our selection criteria that limits support to strong conservative candidates who are facing liberal incumbents in a race widely supported by Tea Parties and liberty groups.
I urge you to take action this weekend to help rid us of lying Jim Cooper and replace him with a true fiscal conservative.
Visit the Davidson County Republican Headquarters starting at 9am Saturday to phone bank or go door to door.
Contact to volunteer.
Make a contribution to the David Hall campaign.

Rep. Susan Lynn
Rep. Susan Lynn, Chairman

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