Friday, April 26, 2024

Davidson County Democratic Party is as Woke and Silly as Ever.

by Rod Williams, April 26, 2024- I posted on this site a few weeks ago that the State Democratic party had suddenly stopped attaching a pronoun tag along with the letter writers name when closing a letter. I was aware of this practice because I thought it was such a silly, woke, virtue-signaling thing to do, so when they ended the practice, I noticed. I thought the practice of using the preferred pronoun tag exhibited how out of touch Democrats are with normal people.  I wondered what discussions went in to making the decision to end the practice. Well, I got an email letter today from the Davidson County Democratic Party, and they are still as woke as ever. Maybe it resonates with people in Nashville, more than other parts of the State. With Republicans becoming the Party of conspiracy theorist, Putin appeasers and election deniers, one would think the Dems would try to make themselves more attractive to disaffected Republicans, but they just can't seem to do it. 

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