Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Meet 2023 Nashville Mayoral Candidate Matt Wiltshire

 by Rod Williams, June 28, 2023- The Tennessean is doing a feature article on each of the candidates for mayor, including a video of an interview with each. Above is the Tennessean interview with Matt Wiltshire. Thankfully, The Tennessean has made the videoed interview with the candidates sharable, so I am able to post it here. 

If one has a subscription to the Tennessean, you can read the article on Matt Wiltshire at this link. Most of what is in the article is also in the video. 

My main takeaways from the article and the video: Matt has an impressive and relevant resume, having served as three years as the chief strategy officer at the Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency and eight years as the director of the Mayor's Office of Economic and Community Development under three mayors. He claims credit for bringing down Nashville's unemployment rate. My understanding, however, is that during this period unemployment declined everywhere and I am not sure he deserves the credit. He also claims credit for helping build 4,000 affordable homes. I tend to think those homes would have been built with someone else in his role, but I don't know that. His top three goals are improving education, improving public safety, and creating affordable housing. 

On education he appears to favor education choice saying, "Every parent and guardian in Nashville should be able to choose from a variety of great schools." He seems to have given serious thought to the issue of our failing public schools. On public safety, he says we need to fully staff the police department. On addressing affordable housing, he says he has specific ideas and has the experience of delivering results on the issue.  Overall, while he is not my favorite candidate, I am favorably impressed. If elected, he would do an adequate job as mayor. 

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