Thursday, April 06, 2023

Where is Andy Ogles?

by Rod Williams, April 5, 2023- Ever since controversy erupted over Congressman Andy Ogles inability to account for funds he raised to develop children's burial garden Congressman Ogles has been keeping a low profile. 

Ogles missed Columbia's Mule Day this year. With roots going back to 1840, Mule day is a really big event in Maury County. It draws upwards of 200,000 people from twenty states and has an economic impact estimated at about $3 million. It is a festival with parades and mule races, and arts and crafts, and beauty contest, and concerts. It is actually a multi-day event and took place this year March 27 thru April 2.

Columbia is the county seat of Maury County and Andy Ogles was mayor of Maury County from 2018 to 2022.  Maury County is in Ogles 5th Congressional District. One would have expected Ogles to be there. Not only did Ogles skip Mule Day, but he also cancelled a recent speaking engagement with Mom's for Liberty.

The recent tragedy of the school shooting in Nashville has knocked almost everything else off the news recently, but Andy Ogles troubles are not going away.  Keeping out of sight is not going to make the story of the missing funds for a memorial burial garden go away.  

The sad story of missing funds raised to develop a memorial burial garden is not Ogles only problem. Ogles has been caught misrepresenting his credentials, his major in college, his employment resume and other questionable things. Some of this can be found herehere, and here

Ogles needs to not hide but needs to address the issues. If he cannot, it may be time to resign.

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