Friday, March 17, 2023

More on the Andy Ogles children's burial garden saga. Channel 5 responds to Ogles' press release rebuttal. Keeps digging.

To watch the latest Channel 5 video, follow this link.

by Rod Williams, March 17, 2023- The Andy Ogles story is not going away.  This looks bad.  I wish Ogles would come up with documentation of how he spent the almost $25,000. I doubt he just handed people cash. If he did give the money to grieving families, he should have cancelled check. 

Here are excerpts from the lates Channel 5 report: 
Instead of building children's burial garden as donors were promised, future congressman kept the money for what he claims were other charitable purposes. He provides no proof. ...

Further investigation has now discovered that, contrary to Ogles' claims that the nearly $25,000 given by donors were not enough to fulfill his dream, he could have purchased burial plots for needy families for $1,200 each, and two cemeteries say they were willing to work with him. ... Instead of providing NewsChannel 5 with evidence of what he did with the money in advance of a story being published, Ogles waited until after the story broke, then he went on the attack with a statement that, in some cases, came up with brand new explanations.

For previous post on this story, see link and link.

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