Thursday, April 06, 2023

The state House expel three Democratic lawmakers over their actions interrupting a floor session and using a bullhorn to lead chants for gun control. Rep. Justin Jones, D-Nashville, was expelled by a vote of 72 to 25 after 90 minutes of debate. Rep. Gloria Johnson, D-Knoxville, was not expelled after the resolution to oust her failed by one vote. Rep. Justin J. Pearson, D-Memphis, was expelled by a vote of 69 to 26.

by Rod Williams, April 6, 2023 - Above is the full debate on the House resolution to expel Rep. Justin Johnson, Rep. Justin Jones, and Rep. Gloria Johnson. Skip the ad and start at timestamp 28:25.

For the full Tennessean coverage of today's events with more video of action off the floor, including video and pictures follow this link

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