Saturday, April 08, 2023

Dakota Galban (he, him, his), chair of the Davidson County Democratic Party says Jones was "simply speaking up on behalf of victims of gun violence."

by Rod Williams, April 8, 2023- Below is "his" statement in context, from a email newsletter fund raiser.

The actions taken today by the Republican supermajority in the House of Representatives sets a dangerous precedent.

This afternoon, Representative Justin Jones was expelled for simply speaking up on behalf of victims of gun violence. In an instant, the voices of over 70,000 Davidson County residents were silenced on a single party-line vote with no due process.

Democracy in Tennessee must be defended. The Davidson County Democratic Party stands firmly behind Representative Jones and will do all that we can to aid in his re-election to House District 52.

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1 comment:

  1. If he want to speak his mind, like every other legislator, he has to follow proper procedures, protocols in place to do. No matter how excited or upset about an issue, he has to follow the rules. He did not, and was removed.
    Is this about race? No. Is this about gun control? Honestly no. He violated the rules and decided to act up.
    The democrats have to follow the rules and the republicans, who are not blameless, have to think smarter in how arguments and issues are framed. I haven’t heard one Republican response to any of this. Just weak!
