Monday, July 18, 2011

Report from West Nashville Summit: Bruce Wood was our guest

Hello All!

Thanks to those of you who attended our meeting this past Saturday.

Bruce Wood was our guest. He is a local environmental activist with the organization BURNT and has been fighting on our behalf for the past 22 years. Conservation is the key to his movement and Bruce makes sure that companies follow the law when it comes to waste management.

Without Bruce, Nashville would look and smell much different today. He fought to get rid of a fat-rendering plant which stunk up the city and he fought against a trash incinerator along our river. If the incinerator had been allowed to be built we would have seen upwards of 200 garbage trucks a day traveling through our city to the site and its transfer station.

One thing I learned is that these environmental concerns are truly conservative issues. Laws are repeatedly broken by people who feel they are above them. People dispose of toxic waste into landfills which then end up in our drinking water. Regardless of your party affiliation, we all want clean drinking water. At the same time, the cost to clean this up after an incident becomes enormous. If we want to hold government accountable to the tax payer than we need to ensure they enforce the law to prevent costly clean ups. Conservatives value a non-biased and efficient government. Enforcing current laws and preventing our tax dollars from being needed to clean up a toxic waste site are essential to those views.

Again, this is not a liberal or a conservative issue. Environmental degradation is preventable and we owe it to one another to make sure that the law is followed.

We certainly hope to see you at the next meeting. Have a great week!

Matt Nemeth
Moderator, West Nashville Egg and Bacon Summit

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