Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dean Targets Dominy, Duvall and Holeman in New Campaign Mailings

It has been no secret that the Mayor has targeted Councilman Jason Holeman for defeat and it has been rumored for a long time that the Mayor was also targeting Councilman Duane Dominy and Councilman Robert Duvall. Now, the Mayor is putting his prestige on the line and spending real money to defeat these three good council members.

Below is one of the mailings paid for by Re-elect Karl Dean promoting Robert Duvall's opponent. This copy of the mailing was taken from the blog Enclave. You can visit that blog to view the other similar mail pieces promoting  Holeman and Dominy's opponents.

These three council members have not always opposed the mayor. Even on some very controversial bills they have sometimes voted with the administration.  Holeman supported the administration on the gay rights bill and he opposed the effort to curtail eminent domain abuse, and Dominy supported the administration on the convention center. The one thing they have in common is they opposed the mayor's attempt to destroy the fairgrounds.

While there is a referendum on the ballot concerning the fairgrounds, what that charter amendment would do is require a super majority to sell the fairgrounds instead of a simple majority. If the referendum passes and the mayor can get 27 loyal council members who will vote his way, he can still dispose of the fairgrounds. He can also get a property tax hike or anything else he wants done if he has a solid super majority.

I don't know Holleman personally, but I have come to know Dominy and Duvall.  They are both pragmatic, thoughtful, and principled conservatives who love their country and their community.  They take the responsibility of serving their constituents seriously and they work real hard. I have not always agreed with every vote they have cast, but I know they are men of integrity and they are the kind of people we need on the Metro Council. We do not need a council of 40 rubber stamps. We need people who will vote for the Mayor when they think he is right but who will oppose him when they think he is wrong. We need people in the council who will study and weigh the issue and listen to their constituents. I know that is kind of men that Duane Dominy and Robert Duvall are.

I know in the past we have had Mayors who worked behind the scene to influence council elections; I do not ever remember a  mayor so blatantly going after incumbent council member.  It will a downright shame if the Mayor defeats men like Dominy and Duvall and elects a council of puppets.

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