Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Winfield Dunn Campaigns for David Hall

NASHVILLE: David Hall, the Republican nominee for Congress in Tennessee's 5th District, welcomed the endorsement of former Tennessee Governor Winfield Dunn during a day of campaigning at early voting sites in Davidson County on Saturday, Oct. 16, 2010.

In his remarks to volunteers preparing for a day of neighborhood canvassing, phone banking and working the polls, Governor Dunn stated, "This campaign reminds me of my first run for office, when so many people had written off the idea of a Republican being elected Governor of Tennessee. I admire David and his family and this remarkable grass roots campaign. David has earned my vote by virtue of his courage, humility and hard work." Dunn continued, "It is time to replace Jim Cooper with someone who will bring Federal spending under control and who will stand up to Nancy Pelosi and Washington special interests. I believe David Hall is that man, and I am looking forward to casting my vote for David Hall."

In 1970, Winfield Dunn decided to run for the Republican nomination for governor of Tennessee. Republicans had not even fielded a nominee in the 1966 election. Dunn defeated four primary opponents then defeated his Democratic opponent to become the first Republican elected governor of Tennessee in half a century.

Said Hall, "Governor Dunn's excitement about our campaign's momentum and the potential of replacing career Congressman Jim Cooper is inspiring. He has long fought for conservative ideals in Tennessee, and he--like a majority of his fellow residents in the 5th District, is eager to have conservative representation in Congress. I am thankful for his support."

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