Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Charles Williamson gets Tennessee Police Benevolent Association Endorsement

Williamson Identified as Pro-Law Enforcement
Nashville, TN - Conservative candidate for State Representative, Charles Williamson, has received an endorsement of his candidacy from the Tennessee Police Benevolent Association, a division of the Southern States Police Benevolent Association, Inc.

"I am honored to receive this endorsement," Williamson, a businessman and rancher says. "I believe in the laws of our state and want to see those laws enforced. I support and respect the men and women who put themselves on the line every day to protect the citizens of Tennessee."

Williamson learned of the endosrsement in a letter from L. Beth Dyke, president of the Tennessee Benevolent Association.

"We will ask our members, their friends and families, and all citizens who respect the strong and efficient enforcement of our laws to cast their ballots in the upcoming election in your favor," Dyke wrote.

The Southern States Police Benevolent Association, Inc. is a professional association comprised of more than 20,000 law enforcement officers employed by federal, state, county and municipal governments.

Charles Williamson is the Republican candidate for State Representative in District 51 which includes parts of Madison, East Nashville, Inglewood, Old Hickory, Lakewood, Pennington Bend, Neely's Bend, Hadley's Bend and Hermitage.

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