Thursday, October 21, 2010

Governor Bredesen Agrees with David Hall on Obamacare

NASHVILLE: David Hall, the Republican nominee for Congress in Tennessee's 5th District, commented on an op/ed published by Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen in the 10/21/10 edition of the Wall Street Journal. The entire article, criticizing the Democrats' version of health care legislation, may be accessed here.

Said Hall, "I appreciate Governor Bredesen's candor in going public with his concerns about what is commonly known as Obamacare. I agree with Governor Bredesen that our federal deficit is at unsustainable levels, and that America can ill afford to add to the deficit with another entitlement program. Governor Bredesen and I also agree that the unintended consequences of this gargantuan bill are worthy of a WSJ op/ed."

Hall continued, "At a joint appearance several weeks ago, career Congressman Cooper had the gall to say that he thinks the only reason we voters don't like Obamacare is because its too complicated for us to understand. I have more respect for voters in the 5th District than that, and I have a hard time believing that Governor Bredesen isn't sharp enough to see the beauty in the legislation either."

Audio and video of Congressman Cooper's remarks at the First Baptist Church of Capitol Hill Candidate forum on Oct. 10, 2010 may be viewed online here.

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