Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Rae writes the Council and shares her views on the agenda.

From Raphaela (Rae) Keohane, August 15, 2023:


Since you will be voting on several matters of concern below is my opinion and questions about some matters before you tonight. 

I spend a few hours on this each meeting I would appreciate a response to my questions.

I and many others will be WATCHING you all on TV! 

Rule 28 Amendment I OPPOSE the substitute limiting the public comment period to 20 minutes for regular PUBLIC HEARING council meetings. This is very undemocratic in my opinion! But then this is the council who supported Mr. Mendes’s undemocratic charter amendment regarding citizen petitions which passed by less than the required signatures in the bill itself.  If you don’t want to hear the opinions of the public you presumably serve don’t run for council.  Proposed Amendment to Rule 28 of the Metropolitan Council Rules of Procedure.

RS2023-2340 I SUPPORT!! EMPLOYERS SHOULD ONLY HIRE PEOPLE ENTITLED TO WORK IN THE US.  THE HIRING OF PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORK IN THE US HURTS AMERICAN CITIZENS AND THOSE LEGAL IMMIGRANTS WITH WORK PERMITS.  EMPLOYERS WHO HIRE INELIGIBLE IMMIGRANTS SHOULD BE PROSECUTED!!!!!   A resolution approving a Memorandum of Understanding between the United States Department of Homeland Security and the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, for participation in the E-Verify Program.

RS2023-2342 I SUPPORT!! In the report Exhibit 1, I am looking at 6/26-7/6 I do not see 71 million plates read as reported by AXIOS attributed to Mr. Rosenberg.  According to the report 3 total reads were almost 5 million, total hit notifications were 3,902. The report looks like this resulted in 117 arrests.  If one child was saved from sex traffickers it would be worth having the LPR’S.  Maybe if we had A FULLY STAFFED POLICE FORCE more arrests would be made!   A resolution approving full implementation of license plate reader (LPR) technology by the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department following the July 22, 2023 conclusion of the pilot implementation.

RS2023-2361 I SUPPORT Now this is a program I can put my mind around!  A resolution appropriating $28,250 from a certain account of the Community Safety Fund for a grant to Rocketown of Middle Tennessee for Napier and Sudekum Community Safety programs.

RS2023-2362 What is a “restorative justice facilitator” and why do we need 2?  What kind of “peer support group and therapy” is being provided?  Is it something like AA, or NA ?    A resolution appropriating $59,442 from a certain account of the Community Safety Fund for a grant to Raphah Institute for Napier and Sudekum Community Safety programs.

RS2023-2363 To be honest I am suspicious of this resolution.  It looks like you are changing from a model cure violence with a specific program to “violence interrupter” which has no specific program or data. I am also suspicious of the amounts being distributed since they are the same amounts as the resolution last meeting with money’s going to GIDEON’S ARMY which I strenuously oppose.    A resolution amending Resolution No. RS2022-1307, which appropriated funding from the American Rescue Plan Act to the Community Safety Partnership Fund to support evidence-based community solutions to interpersonal violence.

RS2023-2364 What in hell is a misdemeanor DUI? Do we have to wait till a DRUNK/IMPAIRED DRIVER kills someone before they are charged with a FELONY?   A resolution approving amendment one to an Adult Drug Court and Veterans Treatment Court Discretionary Program grant from the U. S. Department of Justice to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the General Sessions Court, to implement a DUI Court to serve participants convicted of a misdemeanor DUI offense.

RS2023-2370 I OPPOSE In the first place $91/2 million for 76 homes is $125K per home.  In my opinion an RFP is a better way to choose a builder than a designated set aside.   A resolution amending RS2022-1860 to change the implementation strategy for the collective or shared equity housing activity from an RFP to a designated set-aside in Barnes funding round.

RS2023-2378 I SUPPORT Especially for my neighbors at PARTHENON TOWERS who are now in a FOOD DESERT due to the closing of the PIGGLY WIGGLY ! A resolution accepting a grant from the Greater Nashville Regional Council to the Metropolitan Government, acting by and through the Metropolitan Social Services Commission, to provide nutrition services for older or disabled adults and transportation services for eligible persons.

BL2023-1869 I SUPPORT! An ordinance to amend Title 6, Chapter 77, Article I of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, regarding renewal of Entertainment Transportation certificates of public necessity and convenience and Entertainment Transportation vehicle permits.

BL2023-2010 I SUPPORT!  An ordinance amending Metropolitan Code of Laws Section 17.20.140 regarding access management studies (Proposal No. 2023Z-004TX-001).

BL2023-2062,2064 I SUPPORT.   An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RM40 to SP zoning for properties located at 106 Acklen Park Drive and Hillcrest Place (unnumbered), at the northeast corner of Hillcrest Place and Acklen Park Drive and within the 31st and Long Boulevard Urban Design Overlay District (0.78 acres), to permit 100 multi-family residential units, all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2019SP-053-001).

BL2023-2070 I SUPPORT.  An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by changing from RS5 to R6-A zoning for property located at 712 27th Avenue North, approximately 256 feet north of Clifton Avenue and within the Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit Overlay (DADU) (0.21 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2022Z-085PR-001).

BL2023-2074 I SUPPORT.  An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County by changing from IR to OR20-A for various properties located along Clifton Avenue, approximately 205 feet east of 26th Avenue North (0.24 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 2023Z-055PR-001).

BL2023-2106 This is humorous, since you all approved all the ROOFTOP bars contributing to the NOISE level to the residential persons downtown.  You created the problem and now you are trying to fix your BLUNDER.  High School physics taught me that sound and light travel.   An ordinance amending Metropolitan Code of Laws, sections 9.20.010 to limit amplified noise and enhance enforcement in order to ensure adequate public health and safety.

As always thanks for your time and attention.


Rae Keohane is a local active Republican.  She reads and studies each Metro Council agenda and shares her opinion on items of interest and shares her email to those on an email distribution list. Having done this myself in the past, I know how time consuming this can be. If you would like to be included on Rae's email distribution list, contact her at raekeo@aol.com. In addition to her reporting on the Council, Rae is a facilitatior of the Nashville Conservatives breakfast group. 

To view the Council agenda and analysis, follow this link

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