Monday, August 14, 2023

Alice Rolli Launches Run-Off Campaign!

From the Alice Rolli campaign, August 14, 2023- Thank you friends for joining our Campaign HQ open house yesterday! It was great to feel the energy of our citizens ready for the chance to bring Alice's executive leadership skills and collaborative regional approach to reset business as usual at City Hall!  

You can stop by to make a contribution and pick up a yard sign at 1522 Edgehill Ave., 37212, there is plenty of parking in rear of building. We'll have the office open weekdays from 10am-7pm, or call 615.910.9055 to arrange for a pick up. 

Here are 3 things to do, today, to help get Alice elected our next mayor!

1. Register to vote - must be postmarked or hand delivered by Tuesday August 15

2. Volunteer to make phone calls, knock doors, or help install our large signs.  

3. Join an upcoming fundraising event, or make a contribution, to help us advance Alice's message to bring her pragmatic and principled leadership to take City Hall in a new direction. 


Casey Newcomer 
Campaign Manager

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