Wednesday, July 19, 2023

How Council Members voted on taking $ from police, parks, and health to grant $ to Planned Parenthood.

by Rod Williams, July 19, 2023- In October 2022 the Metro Council voted to take $90,000 from Police, $60,000 from Parks, and $60,000 from Health to put towards a half million-dollar grant to Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and North Mississippi.

Some opposed to the grant voiced their support for Planned Parenthood but felt the use of funds was better spent on Nashville resources, such as expanding services within our own health department and in addition, as some said in discussion, Planned Parenthood is not short on donations in light of current events. Others in favor said “the time is now” and it was “sending a message.”

CM Freddie O’Connell, who is running for Mayor, sponsored the appropriations for funding the grant which passed 19-13. 

As you consider for whom to vote in the upcoming Council elections, you may want to consider how council members voted. The picture above shows the results of the roll-call vote. The recorded vote is to the right of the CM's name

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