Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Council Member Ginny Welsch says the Tennessee General Assembly is "Fascist."

Ginny Welsch, Council
member, calls State
General Assembly
"Fascist." She also likes
 to drop the other "F-bomb
by Rod Williams, July 19, 2023 -
Calling the General Assembly "Fascist" is not conducive to an improved relationship with the State. We need calm voices and reasonable people and bridge builders in the Metro Council. Also, one needs to recognize that the city gets their authority to even exist from the State. The city is chartered by the State. Poking the bear does not bring about better results. 

Ginny Welsch likes to call those with whom she disagrees 'Fascist," and she also likes dropping the "F-bomb" on those with whom she disagrees. To read of her doing both read this article from The TennesseanMetro Council member to Trump-backing colleague: ‘(Expletive) off’.

In the occasion referenced above, she was reprimanded by the Vice Mayor who said the following at a Council meeting:
At the beginning of our last Council meeting (less than 48 hours ago) I started the meeting by requesting that all members of the Council show professional courtesy and respect towards each other and to the people that we serve. With this country divided, we need to step up and help lead the way towards bringing people together. Some of the emails on this chain do not reflect that request. I believe you can disagree with others without using inappropriate language and without being disrespectful. I expect the members of the Metropolitan Council to carry out their duties in a professional and appropriate way.
Ginny Welsch simply does not have the demeanor nor temperament to serve in the Metro Council. She does not play well with others.  In the upcoming Council election please retire Ginny Welsch and vote for Alexa Little

Alexa Little will never drop the F-bomb and have to be reprimanded by the Vice Mayor. She is unlikely to call the General Assembly "Fascist."  She will exhibit professionalism, courtesy and respect.  She will not embarrass you. 

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