Monday, March 20, 2023

Tomorow, March 28th. The Bastiat Society of Nashville presents "Libertarianism against the Welfare State," by Bryan Caplan, Professor of Economics at George Mason University.


AIER's Bastiat Society of Nashville invites you to join us TOMORROW at 6:00 pm for an in-person event with Bryan Caplan, Professor of Economics at George Mason University.

Many libertarians argue that the welfare state isn't all that bad. Caplan argues, however, that long-standing libertarian objections to the welfare state have stood the test of time. They may not be popular, but they're true.

This event is open to the public. Registration Required.

Let us know if you're coming. Register here.

Rod's Comment: I go for the education and the intellectual stimulation, but the excellent horderves and open bar are nice too. 

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