Sunday, March 19, 2023

Stopping such brutal insanity is what progressives mean by 'banning medical care for their transgender children.'

Layla Jane and attorney Harmeet Dhillon
Teen Suing Doctors For Removing Breasts At Age 13, Putting Her On Puberty Blockers

"...presenting Layla’s parents with the false dilemma that: 'would they rather have a live son, or a dead daughter?'"

By Amanda Prestigiacomo, Mar 18, 2023, - A teenager is suing a health care company and the doctors who put her on controversial puberty-blocking drugs at age 12 and removed her healthy breasts in a double-mastectomy surgery when she was just 13 years old, accusing them of “intentional fraud and concealment.”

Layla Jane, an 18-year-old detransitioner represented by attorney Harmeet Dhillon, claims in a letter of intent to sue that she was rushed into the life-altering medical services while she and her family were not properly informed of risks and other vital information, such as the rate of desistence for childhood gender dysphoria. 

... “Layla immediately started puberty blockers and testosterone at age 12, and had a double mastectomy at age 13,” the legal letter states. ... “I don’t think I should have been allowed to change my sex before I could legally consent to have sex,” Layla said ... (read it all)

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