Thursday, May 28, 2015

Nashville’s Next Mayor Probably Won't Cut Your Taxes

Nashville’s Next Mayor Probably Won't Cut Your Taxes, reports Nashville Public Radio after interviewing each of the candidates and asking each if they would cut taxes. Am I really surprised?  No, but I wish we had a candidate who would at least consider it. I wish we had a candidate who make cutting taxes a goal. I wish we had a candidate for Mayor who would promise to take a hard top-to-bottom look at each department and one who would promise to hire an outside consultant to examine each department to find savings. I believe cutting taxes is possible without hurting our quality of life. The State of Tennessee has cut taxes and if the State can do I believe the City can do it. 

I believe there is sufficient waste to be eliminated in Metro Government that a tax cut may be possible without harming our quality of life. I am aware however that we have significantly increased our indebtedness and our unfunded pension liability continues to grow.  I fear that we may be in for a big tax increase if we do not cut spending. If there is a slow down in our rate of economic growth and we do not find significant expenditures to cut, a tax increase may be unavoidable. 

If we had a candidate who would promise to go eight years and not raise taxes, I would be pleased.  None of the candidates say they will raise taxes but I believe they will. it has almost become the norm that each new mayor gets at least one big tax increase. That should not be an expectation.

To hear how each of the candidates answer the question, follow this link.  

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