Thursday, May 28, 2015

Fire Fighters announce Endorcements for Mayor and Council

The local Fire Fighters Union, IAFF Local 140, have released their endorsements.  Some of their endorsements are baffling.  I do not know the criteria they used in making endorsements. They endorsed both some of the most liberal members on the Council and some of the most conservative.

Their endorsement of ten candidates at large is especially baffling. One can only vote for five members and if one actually does vote for five, one dilutes the strength of one's vote. To increase the chances of getting the at-large candidates they want on the Council, it seems it would have been wiser to only endorse one or two candidates for the at-large position, certainly not ten.

They did not issue a statement to accompany their endorsements. The endorcements made by IAFF Local 140 are listed below.

Mayor:   Bill Freeman

Vice-Mayor:  David Briley

     Buddy Baker
     Karen Bennett
     John Cooper
     Adam Dread
     Robert Duvall
     Erica Gilmore
     Frank Harrison
    Jason Holleman
    Walter Hunt
    Kenneth Jakes
    Don Majors
    Lonnell Matthews
   Jim Shulman

District Council:
    D-1:   Ruby Baker
    D-2:   Robert Stockard
    D-3:  Terry Clayton
    D-4:   Robert Swope
    D-5:   Sarah Martin
    D-6:   Brett Withers
    D-7:   Randy Reed
    D-8:   Chris Swann
    D-9:   Bill Pridemore
    D-10: Douglas Pardue
    D-11: Larry Hager
    D-12: Steve Glover
    D-13: No Endorsement
    D-14: Kevin Rhoten
    D-15: Jeffery Syracuse
    D-16: Tony Tenpenny
    D-17 No Endorsement
    D-18:  Burkley Allen
    D-19 ;  Freddie O'Connell
    D-20:   Marisa Frank
    D-21:  Ed Kindall
   D-22:  Sheri Weiner
   D-23:  Jim Roberts
   D-24:  Kathleen Murphy
    D-25: Russ Pulley
   D-26:  Jeremy Elrod
   D-27: Davette Blaylock
   D-28: Melissa Smithson
    D-29: Karen Johnson
   D-30: Jason Potts
    D-31: Fabian Bedne
    D-32: Jacobia Dowell
    D-33: Jimmy Gafford
    D-34: Steve Butler
   D-35: Dave Rosenberg

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1 comment:

  1. I received the following comment from Ken Jakes, candidate Metro Council at-large seat.

    Rod, I agree with you , it is hard to see the reason in the firefighters endorsement. It is like they wanted to endorse anybody who they thought had a remote chance of winning the election. If you look everybody but me was either an elected official or had been previously an elected official.. I am as far to the right as most are to the left.
    It tells me that they believe I have a strong shot at winning. It's like they didn't want to not endorse a winner. It weakens the endorsement.

