Sunday, May 24, 2015

Congratulations Sheri Weiner! With no opponent, Sherri Weiner to be reelected!

From Councilmember Sheri Weiner:

May 22, 2015

It is with a great amount of gratitude and pride in our community that I share I will be returning as your District 22 Metro Councilmember for the 2015-2019 term. I learned yesterday that I will be unopposed in the August election.

The strong support you, the neighbors in Bellevue, have given me over the last four years has been the best vote of confidence I could have ever received. The last four years have been a whirlwind of growth and development. As a result we will have new neighbors to meet and new businesses to frequent.

When I was elected in 2011, we needed a library, a high school, a redeveloped mall, and blighted areas to have new life breathed into them. Thanks to the Administration’s recognition of our community’s potential, we have seen our new state of the art library open, many blighted areas are springing back, One Bellevue Place is progressing, and planning toward Bellevue’s own high school continues.

We cannot sit back. Bellevue has always been the place we chose to raise our children, develop life-long friendships and create a strong community bond. It is also the home of the most engaged neighbors I’ve known. I will be working toward the following goals and encourage your continued involvement.

  1.  Infrastructure – we need sidewalks, streetlights and road improvements - Old Harding Road, Sawyer Brown Road, Hicks Road – to start with.
  2. Quiet enjoyment – we continue to work with CSX to implement Quiet Zones in and around the county.
  3.  Bellevue Beautification Steering Committee is made up of representatives from neighborhoods, businesses and civic groups.The goal is to put together a comprehensive streetscape and aesthetics plan to enhance the area  Just think – instead of concrete, we see landscaping, instead of barren light poles, we see banners, and so on.
  4. Community Center and Fire Hall – I presented an amendment to the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) to include both. In order for any monies to be allocated to a project it must first appear in the CIB and then it may move to the Capital Spending Plan during the Budget cycle.  This is the first step in that process.
  5. The Governor’s Wellness Program is one that Bellevue may participate in. I do have a couple of folks who have stepped up to be involved on the implementation committee and I’d like to have a core group of about 10 people to move this ahead. We can start this as soon as you want to get together.  
Thank you, again, for your trust and confidence. I am thrilled to represent you in the next Metro Council for the 2015-2019 term.

Saturdays with Sheri will resume in June on the 4th Saturday of each month at 9am at the Bellevue Library - unless otherwise notified.
Sheri Weiner,
Metro Nashville Councilmember

My Comment: Congratulation Sheri Weiner!
Sheri is one of the "good" council members. I watch every meeting of the Metro Council and almost every meeting of the Budget and Finance Committee. We are fortunate to have someone of the caliber of Sheri Weiner in the Council. She is always prepared and in committee she ask the hard questions that I want asked and, by all accounts, she is available and responsive to her constituents and works hard for the interest of her district. I am pleased knowing she will be returning to the Council.

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