Saturday, August 03, 2013

TN should say no to pre-K $. Study showsPre-K does not help sucess in School.

In case you missed it:

Does preschooling help children succeed in school? New research by Vanderbilt University says yes — but maybe not for long.
The study says,  "children who make big gains in math, language and reading by attending prekindergarten don’t stay ahead of their peers — perhaps not even through kindergarten."  I thought other studies had already proven this, but if so, this proves it again. Pre-K may be free babysitting for working moms, but has almost no educational benefits. The state’s ­$86 million pre-K program should be ended and those funds put to better use improving schools. The Federal government is offering Tennessee $64.3 million to provide pre-K to an additional 7,861 children. "But the “Preschool for All” program, launched by President Barack Obama, would required a $6.4 million state funding match." We should say, 'take your money and shove it.' Providing only 10% of the funds for a failed program is still not a bargain.

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