Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Rand Paul: "I am very supportive of Senator Alexander. I hope he does not get an opponent. I really do. I hope he wins re-election."

"I am very supportive of Senator Alexander. I hope he does not get an opponent. I really do. I hope he wins re-election."

He didn't say the words, "I endorse Senator Alexander's reelection," but if that is not an endorsement, I don't know what it is.

Will this help Alexander? Will it hurt Rand Paul? Some of Rand Paul's supporters can be pretty dogmatic and they may feel Paul has sold them out. They may think Paul is just another politician and not their knight in shinning armor. On the other hand, Alexander may think, "I owe you," and when presidential primary season rolls around Alexander may repay the favor. This association may make Alexander more acceptable to the grass roots and may make Rand Paul more acceptable to establishment Republicans.

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