Thursday, August 22, 2013

Governor Huckabee Sends Statewide Fundraising Letter for Lamar Alexander

“Like Ronald Reagan, Lamar knows how to govern with conservative principles, and he uses this experience to get results.” -- Governor Mike Huckabee 


Press Release, Aug. 22, 2013. NASHVILLE, TN – Lamar Alexander’s re-election campaign today shared a statewide fundraising letter signed by Governor Mike Huckabee.

Huckabee’s letter opens:

“When I was Governor of Arkansas, we did not have a Republican United States Senator, so I used to ask Lamar Alexander if he would mind moving a little west and being Arkansas’ other senator. I needed somebody I could talk to, somebody who is a conservative, and someone who understands – as Ronald Reagan did – how to govern.”

Huckabee’s letter praises Alexander’s accomplishments as governor: recruiting the auto industry, defending the state’s right-to-work law, building a four-lane highway system to attract industry, standing up to the unions, paying teachers more for teaching well, balancing the budget and leaving the state with a AAA bond rating.

Huckabee lists Alexander’s most recent conservative ratings from his time in the Senate:
• An “A” rating from the National Rifle Association
• 100% score from National Right to Life
• 100% score from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
• 100% score from the National Federation of Independent Business

He reminds readers of Alexander’s leadership role at the White House Health Care Summit, writing:

“[R]emember the health care summit where the president sat around the table with thirty or forty members of Congress? Remember who the Republicans called on first to say what they thought of Obamacare? It was Lamar Alexander. If you have forgotten about it, visit to watch it. Lamar told the president Obamacare wouldn’t work, and the president said it would. Well, guess who is right and guess who was wrong? Lamar was right, Obama was wrong. We’ve got to keep Lamar’s voice in the Senate, reminding the president of what works.”

The full letter is available here.

The Alexander campaign is chaired by Congressman Jimmy Duncan with co-chairmen Governor Bill Haslam, U.S. Senator Bob Corker, Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey, Speaker Beth Harwell as well as Congressmen Blackburn, Roe, Black, Fincher and Fleischmann.

The campaign’s Honorary Co-Chairmen include former U.S. Senators Howard Baker, Bill Brock, Bill Frist and Fred Thompson as well as former Governors Winfield Dunn and Don Sundquist.

Serving as Honorary Co-Chairs of the Statewide Committee to Elect Lamar Alexander are all 13 living former state Republican Party chairs.

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