Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Carr for U. S. Sentate

What's wrong with this picture?

Chip Saltsman resigned as Joe Carr's campaign manager. Joe Carr needs a new one, and fast.  In the meantime, try spell check.

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  1. I see nothing wrong with the picture of Joe Carr, Rod. What is it that troubles you? Is it that Chip Saltsman, a long-time confident and supporter of Lamar Alexander, would see the need to leave the campaign of a man running against Alexander?
    Hopefully, whether Joe Carr ends up being the singular Conservative candidate challenging Alexander or not, it is essential that there are but 2 choices for the Republican nomination to avoid the continual problem of multiple Conservatives splitting the vote allowing a Progressive like Alexander to win. It's enough that the TN GOP continues to allow Democrats to vote in their primaries making the struggle of actual Conservatives twice as difficult.
    Knowing that an actual Conservative scares the hell out of you, Rod, but get used to it. Maybe you'd be more comfortable with other political bed-fellows.

    1. Sen. Alexander’s Primary Challenger Misspells ‘Senate’ On Campaign Site

  2. It says either "I'm not very smart" or "I'm not very competent". If his fans didn't get it, it says either the same about them or that they don't care that their candidate is neither one. Or both.

  3. BTW, Joe Carr campaign, is "Sam Adams'" response to Rod here part of the Joe Carr campaign strategy: "You're not conservative enough--screw you"? Just a tip here, folks: you won't get many votes that way. But then no one said they had to be very smart, did they? Or have to be able to spell.

  4. The error has been corrected. Those persons who have never made any such error can now continue to throw stones...


  5. Whew! I guess it's a good Rod Williams-Spell Checker was there. Not even a "Thank you, Rod"? A little bit of make-up on the face of the Carr campaign, sometimes a good thing.
    And no I haven't made that mistake on the public face of a Senate campaign. Incompetence somewhere. Certainly inattention to important details.

  6. Whew! I guess it's a good Rod Williams-Spell Checker was there. Not even a "Thank you, Rod"? A little bit of make-up on the face of the Carr campaign, sometimes a good thing.
    And no I haven't made that mistake on the public face of a Senate campaign. Incompetence somewhere. Certainly inattention to important details.

  7. you sure did make sam mad over a little "t".

  8. It may ironic.. but Joe Carr [or anyone who hasn't consolidated the support of the multitude of TEA-party groups scattered across TN] changing in mid-stream may actually help Lamar !! Joe can use the $275K he raised running for Congress [unless some ask for their $$ back] so he has some already on hand. But it is certainly up for discussion if Joe is the strongest candidate the TEA-party crowd could have.. or would have recruited had Joe not jumped in on his own Joe has little $$$, less name ID.... a no base to mention in East TN, where the bulk of Republican primary voters live. But Joe announcing now will surely cause any other TEA-party prospect to rethink getting into the primary. The only thing harder than beating Lamar for the TEA-party to do.... is to try and beat Lamar in a Republican primary with multiple TEA-party candidates in the same primary.

    Tim Skow

  9. It may ironic.. but Joe Carr [or anyone who hasn't consolidated the support of the multitude of TEA-party groups scattered across TN] changing in mid-stream may actually help Lamar !! Joe can use the $275K he raised running for Congress [unless some ask for their $$ back] so he has some already on hand. But it is certainly up for discussion if Joe is the strongest candidate the TEA-party crowd could have.. or would have recruited had Joe not jumped in on his own Joe has little $$$, less name ID.... a no base to mention in East TN, where the bulk of Republican primary voters live. But Joe announcing now will surely cause any other TEA-party prospect to rethink getting into the primary. The only thing harder than beating Lamar for the TEA-party to do.... is to try and beat Lamar in a Republican primary with multiple TEA-party candidates in the same primary.

    Tim Skow
