Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Chip Saltsman resigns from Joe Carr's campaign, supports Lamar Alexander

After learning of Joe Carr's decision to run for the United States Senate, Chip Saltsman has resigned from Carr's campaign efforts.

The entire letter is below: 

 August 20, 2013

Representative Joe Carr
PO Box 192
Lascassas, TN 37085

Dear Joe,

Having learned of your decision to run for the United States Senate, I must resign from your campaign. I signed up to help you run for Congress, not the Senate.

I have been a longtime supporter of Senator Alexander for many reasons, and I will continue to be a strong supporter. When I was Party Chairman in 2000, nobody believed we could beat Al Gore in his home state, but Lamar Alexander worked hard to make sure Al Gore would not, and did not, win his home state. Lamar traveled across the state to help candidates win local, state, and federal races. Most importantly, though, Lamar always told me if conservatives worked hard, and governed effectively, we would soon control state government. And he was right! Due to the hard work of Lamar Alexander, and because he stayed true to his conservative ideals, our state has no income tax, great roads with no debt, and an economy that is the envy of most states.

It is because of Lamar Alexander that people like you have the honor of serving in the majority of the state legislature. It is because of Lamar Alexander that our children and grandchildren go to better schools, and are able to compete for better jobs. It is because of Lamar Alexander that we live in a state people want to move to, start a family in, start a business in, and even retire to. I am honored to support Lamar Alexander for re-election.


Chip Saltsman

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  1. "...and because he stayed true to his conservative ideals..."

    Really? Does his vote history in the Senate confirm this? Exactly WHAT are his conservative ideals?


  2. In other words, the Chipster supports RINOs to the max.

  3. Mr. Saltsman you are delusional. Lamar Alexander did NOTHING to stop the state income tax. In fact he ran from the question evertime he was asked about it. In fact really the only thing I can agree with you on is education. He is a RINO plain and simple. He was a good governer, but has been corupted by Washington and it is time for him to go.

  4. I agree with most here... that the 'Lamar Alexander of the Past' has done great things. We've moved forward with him. He's first gear!!

    But just like you don't stay in first gear if you want to go faster and hit the Interstate... we shouldn't stick with (who is now) Lame-ar if we want to shift up to second gear and gain some momentum. That's the BIG picture (big enough to cover the whole USA) way to look at this race.

    So... Thank you for your service, Lamar Alexander! Please enjoy your retirement!


  5. Lamar Alexander has lost touch with the big majority of the people in this state.

  6. Steve Gill beat the income tax. I don't remember seeing Lame are.
