Wednesday, April 04, 2012


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (April 4, 2012) – Dr. Steve Dickerson, a Republican candidate for the State Senate in District 20, has launched a radio ad promising to refuse the daily $173 per diem that legislators receive, including those who live within 50 miles of Nashville and who sleep in their own beds at night. “Any employee who turned in expense reimbursements for staying in hotels and eating at restaurants when they didn’t actually incur those expenses would be fired immediately. It is long past time to stop the practice of legislators in Middle Tennessee getting “bonus payments” for expenses they don’t incur,” Dickerson noted in releasing his new thirty second radio spot. “I will not only work to change the laws regarding per diem, but I will NEVER accept money from the taxpayers for expenses I didn’t really spend.”

Steve Dickerson is a practicing physician and founding partner of Anesthesia Services Associates. Dickerson attended the University of the South in Sewanee graduating with a B.A. in History. He then received his medical degree at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University. Steve Dickerson has been married to his wife Katrina for 19 years and they have three sons, Reid, Evan, and Bennett.

The copy for his new thirty second radio ad, already airing in Nashville, is a follows:
“If you slept in your own bed, in your own home each night…but then turned in ‘expense reimbursements’ to your employer for staying in a hotel – and actually collected that money -- do you think you would keep your job?  Legislators who live in Nashville do it all the time, and Steve Dickerson believes it is time to STOP IT! Legislators who commute just a few miles from their homes receive $173 a DAY for hotel and meal money they don’t actually spend! Doctor Steve Dickerson knows the right “prescription” for Tennessee starts with legislators who don’t waste taxpayer money…on LEGISLATORS! That’s why STATE SENATOR Steve Dickerson will not collect daily per diem! EVER! Paid for by Dickerson for State Senate.”

For more information about the Steve Dickerson campaign or to schedule an interview with Dr. Dickerson contact: 615-519-1896

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