Thursday, April 05, 2012

Charlotte Bergmann seeks nomination to challenge Steve Cohen

Steve Cohen, the most liberal member of the Tennessee Congressional Delegation by far, and one of the most liberal members of congress scoring a perfect 100% from the ADA,  has one primary opponent and three independent opponents.  There are three Republicans running in the Republican primary including Charlotte Bergmann, who was the Republican nominee who challenged Cohen two years ago.

I know nothing about this race except I know I like Charlotte Bergmann and would love to see Steve Cohen defeated. It is my understanding that the district is majority Black. Cohen is white and Bergmann is Black. I hope the three independents are strong candidates and all liberal and a couple strong Black liberals. All of the independents of course will be on the ballot; there is no "independent" primary.  It Charlotte gets the Republican nomination and three independents and Cohen are in the race, she might just win.

President Obama has already endorsed Steve Cohen. When asked for her comment about the Obama endorsement, Bergman said “birds of a feather flock together.” Asked to explain, she said Cohen and Obama share “the same ideology” to “advance socialism and the redistribution of wealth.”

If I read something that sheds more insight on this race, I will update. Below is the list of all candidates in the 9th District race.

District 9
Cohen, Steve – D
Bass, Herbert A. – I
Bergmann, Charlotte – R
Flinn Jr., George S. – R
Hart, Tomeka – D
Joiner, Gregory M. – I
Lunati, Ernest – R
Saulsberry, Brian L. – I
Stooksberry, Rollin Wilson – R

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