Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Metro Council shouldn't stand in car service companies' way

There is an excellent editorial appearing in this morning's Tennessean! It is written by Wesley Hottot of the Institute for Justice, the public interest law firms challenging the constitutionality of Metro's current price-fixing law that protect established, luxury limo companies from competition. Please read it here.

He explains how Metro came to pass the current price-fixing laws at the behest of the industry trade group and established a $45 minimum for limo services and other anti-competitive measures. "These regulations have nothing to do with public safety," says Hottot, "but everything to do with economic protectionism."

He argues:

Metro cannot and should not pick winners and losers in Nashville’s transportation industry. Businesses like Metro Livery put people to work and take people to work. They are an essential part of the city’s economy. For the sake of Nashville’s consumers and its economic recovery, the Metro Council should repeal its limo and sedan ordinance. Just as important, the council should send a clear message to every other trade association that seeks to use the power of government for its own purposes. 
I could not agree more. The council needs to pass the BL 2011-49 which will be on second reading tonight after being deferred last month. Some members of the council are going to claim they need more time to study it. That is just an excuse to kill it. It has been deferred once and it not really that complicated. Council members should read their staff analysis. It is explains what the law is now and how BL2011-49 will change it. 

A vote for BL2011-49 is a vote for:
  • Free Markets as opposed to crony capitalism.
  • A level playing field and justice as opposed to using the power of government to protect the well-connected.
  • Economic growth.
  • Enhanced pubic transportation options.
  • The Constitution.
Please contact your council member and urge them to support  BL2011-49, the bill to end price-fixing.

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