Friday, July 15, 2011

Limo drivers stage 'freedom ride' against Nashville's minimum fares

Nashville limo drivers will take part in a “freedom ride” Monday in protest of a city ordinance that imposes a price floor on limo and sedan fares.(link)

I am very disappointed that there was not a single vote against this price-fixing bill when it passed the Metro Council last year. It is my hope that with a new council elected we will elect a few new council members who value free enterprise and will champion the cause of the econo limo drivers . I hope some of the good councilmen who I know have conservative values will be reelected and will revisit this issue and vote there values next time.

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  1. Rod, I think the Council was let to believe that this price fix was wanted by all. But in reality, it was wanted by the high end limousine companies.

  2. Rod, Thank you for your support and understanding. I think council was miss leaded by Transportation Director who was in bed with Tennessee Livery Association (the main Conspirator). Their whole scheme was to put their low priced competition out of business to save their profit driven business model. In this whole process there was nobody from consumers. Councilmen did not even read what they voting for? They were in such a hurry to pass the bill and not bothered to ask consumers if they are OK with this price-fix?

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry."
    Thomas Jefferson.
