Friday, July 15, 2011

Ken Jakes and Eric Crafton for Councilman At-large

In the upcoming election I am supporting Ken Jakes and Eric Crafton.

Ken Jakes, when referred to in the newspaper, will often be referred to as "metro critic Ken Jakes." Ken has taken on various department of Metro government when he suspected wrong doing. Recently Ken became agitated that the Chamber of Commerce was supporting Mayor Dean's effort to destroy the fairgrounds. Ken wondered how much money the city paid the Chamber. He made a request of the finance department for that figure and after waiting more than the required seven days he contacted the State of Tennessee Comptroller's Office and complained. After the Comptroller's office got involved he got his answer and discovered that the total provided by metro to the Chamber from 2006-2010 was $10,552,682.30. That is a lot of money. Do you reckon that kind of money would influence the Chamber?

Ken Jakes played an important role in the recent effort to force Joe Torrence out of office. Also, when Ken suspected wrong doing on the part of the Chairman of the Fair Board he filed a formal complaint with the attorney of Davidson County asking him to start proceedings for the removal of Katy Varney as chairman of the Fair Board.

Ken Jakes is a thorn in the side of corrupt, incompetent and arrogant bureaucrats and politicians. He is tenacious and untiring. Anyone who believes in honest, open government should vote for Ken Jakes.

Eric Crafton is the other person I am supporting for Council at-Large. I often watch the council meetings and I am never disappointed when Eric takes to the floor. He ask the questions that I want asked. He ask, "why are we doing this?" He ask, "How much will it cost us." And, he offers insight into the issue at hand and clearly explains why he is taking the action he is taking when a controversial issue is being discussed. He thinks and communicates clearly.

Eric is probably one of the smartest people serving in the Council. He is a 1989 graduate of Vanderbilt University where he graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in math and Economics. While serving in the Navy stationed in Japan, in 1994 he attended Keio University and earned a degree in Japanese and Political Economy. He is fluent in Japanese. Considering some of the other members of the Metro Council, we need some really smart people serving in that body.

Eric is a solid conservative, prudent and fugal. He is one of the good dozen who last year supported a bill sponsored by Councilman Jim Gotto that would have curtailed the abuse of eminent domain. Eric is not afraid to be identified as a Republican and last year he carried the Republican banner in the August election in an uphill battle for Juvenile Court Clerk being the first Republican to run for a County office in 38 years. Eric did not win that race but made a very respectable showing. During that campaign, I got to know Eric. Eric is a good man. He really had a vision for what to do with that office and has a real heart for children.

Eric has been a good district council and he loves public service. He studies the issues, he is level-headed and thoughtful. His motive is do what is best for the city. He deserves to stay in the Council as a Councilman at-large.

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