Monday, February 28, 2011

Re-elect Robert Duvall!

Councilman Robert Duvall (33rd District)
Invites you to his
2011 Re-election Campaign “Kick-off” Event
Saturday, March 5, 2011 * 2 pm - 4 pm * Located at The Old “SuperPetz” Store
(next to Lakeshore Christian Church, 5434 Bell Forge Lane East)
Robert Duvall
What has Councilman Duvall accomplished for District 33?
·         Repaving of Hamilton Church Road, Mt. View Road, Dover Creek Drive.
·         Improved street markings Bell Forge Pkwy, Country Way Road, Pebble Creek Drive.
·         Upgrades to the roadway and street markings at Pebble Creek Drive, (at hair pin curve).
·         Traffic light installation currently taking place at Bell Road/Eagles Nest (at new Thornton’s).
·         Diligently worked to resolve issues related to seven bankrupted District 33 communities (5 of 7 communities are again viable; remaining two have efforts underway to achieve for full recovery).
·         Brought together all involved parties to resolve Publix Shopping Center issues – Results: PUBLIX SHOPPING CENTER became a reality!
·         Stopped WIC Center from being located in District 33, at Bell Road & Murfreesboro Road.
·         Supported removal of Tent City from Hickory Hollow Business District.
·         Supported and voted for funding to open Nashville State/Tech College Campus in Antioch.
·         Voted for and supports “Saving the Fairgrounds”.
·         Recommended and supports the relocation and enlargement of the Southeast Public Library.
·         Conducts regular District 33 Neighborhood Community Meetings.
·        Obtained MTA Bus Bench for Senior Citizens High Rise Apartments on Mt. View Road.
Some of our Supporters and Endorsers of this event and campaign are as follows:
Pat Carl                         Councilman Carter Todd                 Councilman Jim Hodge                   
Bob Pope                       State Representative Jim Gotto                   Councilman Phil Claiborne
Charvis Rand                Council Lady Karen Bennett            School Board - Cheryl Mayes
George Gruhn               Councilman Eric Crafton                 Buford & Judy Tune
June Lee                        Sandy Jones                                     Pastor Craig Schaub
Cheryl Wells                   Marlene Wilson                                Franchata Bush
Ken Jakes                      Don Spangler                                   Sonny & Felicia Highers
Alma Sanford                Frank & Scarlett Cappas                  Councilman Duane Dominy
Pastor John Finn                   Mary Lou Chilton                                      Councilman Michael Craddock
Keith Vincent                 Neil & Sandra Chaffin                     Pastor David Shelley
Pastor Randy Cordell    Shiri Anderson                                 Melvin Lowe       
Join many more names of supporters that do not show due to available space.

My Comment:
I wholehearted endorse Robert Duvall's reelection. He is a principled, common-sense, hard-working, smart conservative who is not hesitant to identify himself as a Republican. He has done a lot to help build the Republican Party in Davidson County. He cares about his community, Nashville and his country. He supports limited government, private property rights and low taxes.  And, he is a caring, kind individual. He is a fighter. Because of his leadership and willingness to stand up to the administration, he is being targeted for defeat. We must reelect Robert Duvall. Rod

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