Saturday, February 14, 2009

Update: Cooper caves.

I retract the nice things I had to say about Congressman Cooper. I guess party is stronger than principle.

Cooper changes vote, backs final stimulus bill
Bill Theobald, The Tennessean, Saturday, February 14, 2002

WASHINGTON — Rep. Jim Cooper, who received national attention as one of the few Democrats to vote against the economic stimulus bill when it first passed the House, voted in favor of the revised $787 billion package Friday.
Kudos to Cooper

My congressman, Democratic Representative Jim Cooper, was one of only eleven Democratic House members to vote against the stimulus bill. While nine of the Democrats voting against the bill are from distincts that went for John McCain in the last election and potentially face tough Republican challengers in the next elections, Jim Cooper represents a safe Democratic district. It took courage to stand by his convictions and oppose the Party and do what was right.

Thank you, Congressman Cooper! I admire your courage.

The Dems who bucked Obama
By ALEX ISENSTADT, Politico, 2/2/09 8:22 AM EST

The day after his no vote, Cooper, a budget hawk and member of the fiscally conservative Blue Dog coalition, expressed frustration over what he said was leadership’s lack of outreach in the drafting of the bill.

“They really don’t care what Blue Dogs think,” Cooper told Politico, noting that he stood before a meeting of the House Democratic Caucus on Monday and outlined his concerns. “There’s huge frustration.”

Cooper said he had spoken to other Democratic fiscal conservatives who said they wanted to vote no but felt they couldn’t, though he declined to specify any by name.

“We wish we could be more relevant in the discussion before they got more advanced,” Cooper added.

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1 comment:

  1. Will the stimulus bill compromise lower your tax rebate to $8 per week? That appears to be true. The final version has not been passed, but reports indicate the $500 per year in reduced tax withholding has been reduced to $400 per individual and $800 per couple. That only comes to $8 per week for an individual and $16 for a couple. If they start the payments in June and make it retroactive to the beginning of the year, you will get $13 per week until next January. Then, your rebate would drop to the $8 per week level. Are you felling stimulated yet? In a stimulus bill of almost $1 trillion dollars, you would think President Obama would have more for the working class.
