Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Trump Mar-a-Lago lethal force claim is just stupid. But it's par for the course

 By Andrew McCarthy, National Review, May 23, 2024- Having been at the Trump trial in Manhattan for the last couple of days, I cannot say I’m surprised at former president Trump’s inane claim that President Biden authorized the use of lethal force in connection with the FBI’s execution of a court-authorized search warrant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

The claim is political red meat for conspiracy theorists.

.... All search warrants involve the possibility of forced entry. All of them involve police seizures of property, which can subject the personnel involved to legal risks as well as safety risks. The cops or federal agents usually do a good job of identifying themselves during the process of seeking or forcing entry; yet there are tragic instances in which people inside the premises mistakenly believe violent criminals, rather than cops, are trying to get in, resulting in physical confrontations including, sometimes, exchanges of gunfire. ... As a result, and as a matter of common sense, the FBI always has an operational plan for carrying out a court-authorized search. That plan customarily involves reminding the search teams of the FBI’s use-of-force policies. Those policies, of course, include a refresher on the conditions under which lethal force may be used. (read it all)

Rod's Comment: This is just maddening. No matter how rational the explanation, no matter how simple you make it, you cannot convince a Trump true believer that something they want to believe is simply incorrect. I have known a certain kind of religious person who cannot be convinced that the earth is any older than 6,000 years. I have encountered people who do not believe than man has actually gone to the moon. Arguing with them is sort of like arguing with a Trump supporter. Being a true Trumpinista is kind of like having irrational faith. It is sort of like being in a cult. it is hard to argue with a delusional person. I just hope that some who are not in too deep can be saved from being totally delusional. 

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