Friday, May 24, 2024

Congressman Andy Ogles admits his claims to have loaned $320,000 to his campaign was a lie.

by Rod Williams, May 24, 2024- As reported by News Channel 5, Congressman Andy Ogles admitted to falsifying claims about loaning $320,000 to his campaign, correcting the amount to only $20,000. Ogles filed 11 amendments to his campaign finance reports correcting the amount of loan to his campaign to $20,000. 

This should be a big deal. This is not misremembering or faulty record keeping or a rounding error. This is a bald face lie. Ogles excuse is that he reported $300,000 which he intended to loan to his campaign as actually loaned. 

The reason a candidate would do this is to show that he has the resources to win and a election and scare off potential competitors from entering the race.

This is not the first time Ogles has had trouble telling the truth. He inflated his resume, and he had the children's burial garden scandal. For more on the campaign finance story, follow this link

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