Monday, October 30, 2023

God Bless Mike Pence

by Rod Williams, Oct 30, 2023- I believe that when enough time as passed for historians to write the history of this era, Mike Pense will be honored and remembered as a hero who saved American Democracy. Mike Pense showed loyalty to the nation and the constitution over loyalty to Donald Trump.  He refused to participate in a scheme to prevent the certification of the results of the election. He was unwilling to bend to Trump's will. Mike Pense prevented the coup. 

He first prevented the coup by refusing to reject the real slate of electors in favor of fake electors.  Then when the January 6th mob attacked the Capitol and Representatives had to shelter in the basement, he refused to adjourn Congress and send the representatives home before the election had been certified. To do so would have given the Trump machine opportunities to pressure states to decertify their election, recount, and "find" votes for Trump.  There were enough people cooperating with the Trump coup attempt that if not for Mike Pense, Trump's coup could have succeeded. 

On Saturday, Mike Pense unexpectantly suspended his campaign, making the announcement while speaking before the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual conference in Las Vegas. I am disappointed but I understand.  He was gaining no traction. It looked like he would fail to reach the 70,000 individual donor threshold necessary to participate in the November 8th Republican presidential debate in Miami and his campaign was deeply in debt. With polling in the single digits there was no point in continuing. 

In making his announcement, Pence said:

After much prayer and deliberation, I have decided to suspend my campaign for president. Let me promise you I will never leave the fight for conservative values, and I will never stop fighting to elect principled Republican leaders to every office in the land, so help me God.

We always knew this would be an uphill battle, but I have no regrets. The only thing that would have been harder than coming up short would have been if we’d never tried at all.

I urge all my fellow Republicans here to give our country a Republican standard-bearer that will, as Lincoln said, appeal to the better angels of our nature, and not only lead us to victory but lead our nation with civility back to the time-honored principles that have always made America strong and prosperous and free.

We are fortunate to have had a man like Mike Pence serving as vice president when his country needed him.  A person of less character would have folded. Thank God for Mike Pence. May God bless him. 

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