Sunday, September 03, 2023

RIP Jimmy Buffett

 by Rod Williams, Sept. 3, 2023- I never did see Jimmy Buffet in concert, and I don't think I ever bought one of his records, but he was one of those artists who are part of the soundtrack of my life. 

I have sung along to Margaritaville at a party many of times. Jimmy Buffett's songs just made you feel good. When a Jimmy Buffett song would come on the radio, I would turn up the volume.

Yesterday I was with two people who were big Jimmy Buffet fans. Both had seen him in concert several times. Gene Wisdom and I went downtown to Robert's on lower Broad and in tribute to Buffett's passing, Gene wore a tropical print shirt and a Jimmy Buffet ballcap. The other person was my brother Tim who was in town for a UT football game. Both talked about how much they appreciated Jimmy Buffett and were sad at his passing. 

I met my bother Tim at Sinatra's last night. That was the first time I have been there, and it is a place with an elegant atmosphere. We didn't dine there but had drinks at the bar. Soft music was provided by a piano player and vocalist who sang Sinatra and smooth jazz and soft rock numbers. The singer sang Margaritaville, and I think the whole bar, including people dining, stopped eating and talking and sang alone. People loved Jimmy Buffett.

I have seen several good pieces about Buffett and his career, including his connection to Nashville. You can read the National Review tribute at this link

Jimmy Buffett, rest in peace. 

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