Monday, September 04, 2023

A Message from David Fox:

Dear Rod,

 I believe that Alice Rolli is the MUST choice to serve as our city's 10th Mayor. 

Three times in a row we've moved a desk from Metro Council to the Mayor's office — and each time we've seen the city head in the wrong direction. We urgently need a leader, not a debater.

A few statistics about the impact of what this approach to governing has done in the eight years since I ran for mayor (2015):

  • Interest expense is +102% ($413.1 million vs. $204.3 million)
  • Property tax/capita is +70% ($1.654B/703,900 people vs. $938.8M/680,387 people)
  • Homicide rate is +127% (14.8 murders/100,000 vs. 6.5/100,000) 
  • Car thefts are +139% (421 thefts/100,000 people vs. 176/100,000) 

In this election, we have an opportunity to elect a common sense person to lead our city vs. someone who will use city hall to drive national wedge issues — something they are already trying to do in this campaign. 

Every one of Alice’s investors from her business career have supported her campaign — which says a lot about her ability as a business leader. 

If we’ve learned anything in recent years, it’s that even great cities are very fragile. Look at Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and now even Austin. One or two bad mayors and the quality of life collapses and residents begin fleeing.

We know this about the possible direction of Nashville:

  1. Small businesses won’t stay if we tax them out. 
  2. Families won’t stay if they don’t feel safe and if they don’t have a seat at a high quality school. 
  3. Tourists won’t come if we don’t support public safety and our police, and the tax dollars generated by tourism are the golden goose paying for much of Metro’s services. 

These are common sense principles of government that work – not some dreamy idea without any accountability to the citizens who live here. 

So, what do we need you to do? 

  1. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE for Alice! Tell your family, friends and colleagues to get out and vote!  
  2. Volunteer! There are so many ways you can get involved - fill out this form to get started
  3. Support Alice's campaign further by providing a generous contribution today September 4th is the last day to contribute before the final reporting deadline.

I assure you there are enough like-minded Nashvillians for us to win this election, but only if we all show up at the polls. This election is too important to leave to the pundits and the pollsters. Please mark your calendar with the time you plan to vote this week: Tuesday - Saturday are the final days of early voting. 

Let's win this, for Nashville!  

David Fox
Treasurer, Alice Rolli for Nashville
Former MNPS School Board Chair

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