Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Another reason not to vote for Freddie O'Connell is that he is supported by D. A. Glenn Funk.

by Rod Williams, Sept. 5, 2023- If you recall the BLM riots in Nashville you remember the mobs going down Broadway intimidating tourist and smashing windows, the police cruisers set ablaze, the courthouse set on fire, and the millions of dollars of vandalism. You may also recall that that D. A. Glen Funk refused to prosecute many of those arrested. Here is an excerpt from a Tennessean report at the time:

The group then went to the historic Metro Courthouse and city hall — painting graffiti on buildings along the way. People in the group broke windows, set fires, spray-painted explicit graffiti and knocked down light poles. Then individuals in the group smashed storefronts on Lower Broadway.

On Thursday, police announced they had warrants for the arrests of two black activists, Jeneisha Harris and Justin Jones, involved in Saturday's protest.

But hours later, the warrants were rescinded after Nashville District Attorney Glenn Funk said his office wouldn't pursue the charges. 

Glenn Funk is soft on crime and the above is just one example. He also decides which laws he will and will not enforce and makes a big deal out of announcing he will not enforce certain laws passed by the state legislature. While the State has not moved to remove Funk from office, his conflict with the State caused the legislature to pass a rogue D. A. law, so he could be removed if his refusal to act to enforce laws becomes too egregious. I suspect that it is this law hanging over his head that has kept Funk from even being more radical. 

Funk also, for some reason, is soft on prosecution of drunk drivers. When the State made $354,000 available to Nashville to prosecute DUI offenders, Funk refused the money. See this Channel 5 report:

Before the night is up, she'll be charged with driving under the influence.

But while police are redoubling their efforts to arrest and charge impaired drivers, Nashville DA Glenn Funk appears to be taking a different approach.

While the state hands out millions of dollars every year to help prosecute drunk and impaired drivers, NewsChannel 5 Investigates has discovered, Funk has told state officials he doesn't want their money, refusing to sign a contract that would have provided his office $354,000 to pay for DUI prosecutions in the next year.

And, then there are the cases of Funk illegally wiretapping his own employees, using his employees and government offices for campaign purposes, and more scandals.

Maybe most importantly, crime has risen dramatically while Funk has been the D. A.  Police can arrest people, but the police need a partner in the office of the D. A. who will prosecute crime.  Catch and release does not deter crime. 

Anyone getting the endorsement of D. A. Glenn Funk, cannot be counted on to take actions to reduce crime. Anyone endorsed by Gleen Funk does not deserve to be mayor.

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