Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Radical group Black Nashville Votes endorses candidates. Please don't vote for these candidates. Please help defeat them.


by Rod Williams, July 26, 2023- The people listed above need to be defeated. Please vote against them. Please help their opponents.

Black Nashville Votes is an organization affiliated with the Nashville Black Assembly. They appear to actually be the same organization.  They are quite radical. At a time when the State, spurred into action by the Covenant school shooting, is attempting to put a School Resource Officer in every school, Nashville Black Assembly calls for removing school resource offices from schools. 

The group says it is grounded in four political pillars: Pan-Africanism, Economic Democracy, Black Queer Feminism, and Abolish the Prison Industrial Complex. Nashville Black Assembly is part of a larger group called Southern Movement Committee which wants to abolish all police and jails. 

Jamel Campbell Gooch is active in Southern Movement Committee and is a Gideon’s Army organizer. Councilmember Ginny Welsch attempted to slash police funding by 42% and continues efforts to cut police funding. She also has a long list of other left-wing causes and affiliations. One thing all of these candidates appear to have in common is a desire to defund the police. 

Angus Purdy list as one of his qualifications that he participated in the People’s Plaza occupation. You may have to think back to remember the Occupy Wall Streat movement when people camped out for weeks on Legislative Plaza. These candidates are a bunch of left-wing misfits. Please help defeat them.

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