Friday, July 28, 2023

Alice Rolli talks about her platform for the upcoming mayoral election. She offers specifics about education policy, reducing crime and more.


by Rod Williams, July 25, 2023- In this podcast from The Pamphleteer, the host Davis Hunt talks to Alice Rolli about her platform for the upcoming mayoral election. Alice talks about improving Metro's dismal financial status, improving education, the need for more police, and improving relations with the State among other topics. If time is limited, you may want to start the video at timestamp 3.45 when the actual interview begins, and you may want to watch it at 1.25 and 1.5 speed as I did. You can do so without losing content. 

So many news media interviews and forums ask softball questions of candidates and candidates give lame answers that really do not shed much light on how they would govern. This interview is informative and offers substantive insight. Alice Rolli spends quite a bit of time talking about education. She explains why Detroit failed to provide quality education for children resulting in parents abandoning the city and how Miami-Dade County did provide quality education and parents are embracing the schools. She explains what Miami-Dade did right, and how Nashville could do the same. See time stamp 12:40 for this discussion. 

In speaking of police staffing, Rolli says our current police staffing is based on 1.96 police officers per thousand residents and the empty positions are based on that force strength.  She says that she thinks we need to be closer to the national average which is 2.3 officers per thousand residents. I have not done this research myself but have been planning to do so. She does it for me. My impression is that even if our police force was fully staffed, we would need more police officers. I am glad to see her advocate a larger police force. Nashville has a crime problem, and it is heartening to see someone offer specifics about what needs to be done to make Nashville a safer city. She also says that due to the number of commuters and tourist we have in Nashville, we may need even more police than 2.3 officers per thousand residents. There are some candidates for Council and some incumbent council members who think we have too many police officers and advocate defunding the police. I am glad to see a candidate for mayor push back against this nonsense. To see her discussion of crime and policing jump to timestamp 38.

This is by far the most informative interview I have seen of any candidate. The more I learn about Alice Rolli, the more I am convinced that she is the best person, by far, to lead our city. 

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