Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Mayor Cooper announces he will not run for re-election

by Rod Williams, Jan. 31, 2023- Mayor John Cooper announced today that he will not be seeking reelection to a second term. I am shocked. Cooper had already had some fundraisers and had picked up the endorsements of the police and the firefighter's unions.  Despite Cooper's imposing a 34% property tax on Nashville, my perception is that he is still popular.  Face it, we have a liberal electorate that does not mind higher taxes. Also, Cooper has had some of what many people would view as successes, including the new Titans stadium deal and improved bond ratings for the city, and improved reserve fund balances. I do not know what went into his thinking in making this decision. He was certainly favored to win. 

His decision not to run means the race is wide open.  Cooper had already picked up challengers in Councilmembers Sharon Hurt and Freddie O'Connell and in former Metro Development and Housing Agency official Matt Wiltshire. Also, Broadway business owner Steve Smith has not announced his candidacy for mayor but had launched an ad campaign against Mayor Cooper.

I expect others will get into the race. Will Carol Swain make another attempt?  I like and admire Carol Swain but I don't think she can win.  She is a good pundit and outspoken conservative, but I think that will work against her in a race for mayor in liberal woke Nashville. What about David Fox who ran a good campaign against Megan Barry? And what about Megan Barry? Despite her having an affair on the city's dime and ignoring her duties as mayor, I perceive that she is still popular among many Nashvilliams. Maybe Bill Freedman still has aspirations?

Other people who may consider a run for office include Bill Freedman's son Bob Freedman who is a State representative for parts of Nashville.  Maybe Odessa Kelly? She is a very progressive Black activist who ran in the Democrat primary against Congressman Jim Cooper and then ran against Republican Congressman Mark Green in the general election. There are several other people, including other members of the Metro Council who may throw their hats in the ring. What about Karen Johnson, Register of Deeds? She is charming, attractive, smart, and a Black female. I think if she should run, she would be a formidable candidate. There are always some little-known candidates who get in the race hoping for a miracle when there is an open seat. This could get interesting. 

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