Monday, August 15, 2022

Monday night Constitution Class.

From DCRP:

On Monday, August 15th 6:00 pm we will continue our Constitution Alive series (doors open at 5:30).

We have just two more sessions left of our Constitution Live class and then we will break from Monday Night History until January, 2023. This Monday we examine how Locke and Montesquieu influenced the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Click this link below or the image below for a preview of our Constitution Alive series:

►► Constitution Alive ◄◄

John Quincy Adams once famously said, "The Declaration of Independence was the platform upon which the Constitution of the United States had been erected. The principles proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence were embodied in the Constitution of the United States."

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States must be studied together and on August 15th we continue that journey.

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