Thursday, August 18, 2022

Metro Council Forbids License Plate Reader Data To Be Used For Immigration Enforcement

By Paula Gomes, The Tennessee Conservative, August 18, 2022– Metro City Council in Nashville voted Tuesday night to prevent License Plate Reader data from being used to enforce immigration laws. The measure passed in a vote of 32-1 with only council member Robert Swope opposing. ... When it is operational, local law enforcement will not be allowed to share data from the cameras with federal authorities in order to identify, apprehend, detain or remove illegal aliens. 

However, state law requires local police departments to cooperate with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to verify or report a person’s immigration status.

State leaders including Republican House Speaker Cameron Sexton have criticized the council’s decision saying that Metro “doesn’t get to decide which state or federal laws they enforce.”(link)

Rod's Comment: If not for the State, Metro Nashville would be the San Fransico of the South. The State needs to keep Nashville on a short leash and tug on it every once in a while. 

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