Monday, January 10, 2022

1st Tuesday meets Tuesday Jan. 25th. Guest speaker NEW Nashville-Republican-Congressman-to-be, Congressman JOHN ROSE.

Congressman John Rose
From Tim Skow:

 2022 1ST TUESDAY Members, Long time friends and Guests! 

Our JANUARY version of 1ST TUESDAY is set be on Tuesday, JAN 25th [ yes 4th Tuesday !! ] and features 1 of Nashville's 2 NEW Republican Congressmen starting in 2022 !!

Please join us to welcome our NEW Nashville-Republican-Congressman-to-be, Congressman JOHN ROSE for an incredibly insightful day!!   

[ We aim to bring you NASHVILLE's NEW Republican Congressman Mark Green when his schedule allows] 

As we move into Election Season 2022, the news seems to be constantly filled with a slew of important stories. Congressman John Rose is one of the few who know a slew of the back stories and many of their implications for the future!

TOPICS will include, but not limited to:

  1. BIDEN & Fauci -- "Covid policies of the day" --- test kits, masks mailed, HEARINGS, new Fauci emails exposures and more  
  2. RUSSIA / Ukraine -- invasion ramifications, US responses, what are we telling / showing China? / What are US National security implications 
  3. REDISTRICTING -- in TN, new seats elsewhere in play for Republicans so far, other DEM retirements to look for, future Committees will he seek now that he represents Nashville? Who will be his point person for Nashville area?
  4. ANYTHING passing in the House -- with BIDEN BBB now dead...WHAT is in play before Elections?
  5. The HOUSE in 2023 -- can you say "HEARINGS" ??? Given Republicans take The House, WHAT will we see?  Hearings on Hunter Biden deals / revisit of what House DEMS hid 
  6. AND MUCH MORE !!! 

Doors at Brentwood's LUDLOW & PRIME [ 330 Franklin Road ] will open at 11:00. Lunch starts being served at 11:25. Program starts at Noon with our noted Q&A session closing at 1:00PM sharp 

Lunch is $30 for GUESTS and still $25 for 2022 MEMBERS who have paid 2022 DUES ! 

Visit our updated 1ST TUESDAY website at Home | Firsttuesdaynash.

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