Wednesday, May 02, 2018

With the defeat of this most recent transit proposal, the city should now remove barriers to innovation and embrace technological changes and market forces.

In yesterday's voting the $9 billion light rail transit plan was soundly defeated by a vote of 78,000 opposed and only 44,000 in favor. That are percentages of 64 to 36. In the last few days I had been predicting an opposition win of 60 to 40 and the win was even larger.  I hope that this spells the end of such proposals of this nature for a long time. With the defeat of this most recent proposal, however, we should not do nothing about transit and congestion.  I wish the city would turn its attention to a transit reforms that removed barriers to innovation and embrace technological changes and market forces. For a more detailed look at my proposals for a modern transit system, see What to do about Mass Transit and traffic congestion.

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