Sunday, April 29, 2018

Police union (FOP) not endorcing anyone for mayor

The Metro police union has made no endorsement in the Mayor's race which will be decided in a special election on May 24th.  In FOP balloting to select the union's choice for mayor, 425 votes were cast.  Mayor Briley got more votes than any other candidate but failed to garner 50% of the votes which is necessary to secure the FOP endorsement. No doubt, a large number of members voted for Briley simply because they want continuity in the office of mayor for a while. Continuity is office is the primary reason I hear people giving for supporting David Briley.

In the 2015 mayoral election, the FOP endorsed David Fox.  In this years balloting, former Vanderbilt University professor, author, and  conservative commentator Carol Swain came in second, gaining 23.3% of the vote.  That is significant. It raises her profile and may make her the leading alternative to Briley. Erica Gilmore, who is perceived as a leading candidate did not seek the FOP endorsement and got no votes. Here is how the FOP voted:

David Briley, Mayor: 41.7%
Carol Swain, former Vanderbilt political science professor, conservative commentator: 23.3%
Ralph Bristol, former radio conservative talk show host: 17%
Harold Love, State Rep. (D-Nashville): 3%
Jeff Napier: 1%
Julia Clark-Johnson: 14%.

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